
嶄新活膚爽膚水針對打擊痘痘、黑頭、油脂粒、及黑色素,有效調控油脂和水份平衡,並能促進細胞更新以抗衡衰老 – 以極低、或甚至毫無刺激性的強效配方締造潔淨、幼嫩、及毛孔細緻的無暇膚質。 主要成分4% Mandelic Acid (杏仁酸)Willow Bark Extract (白柳樹精華)Melon Extract (蜜瓜萃取) 功效「杏仁酸」是一種較強效,但刺激度卻較溫和之果酸,具有殺滅細菌的特質,因此能顯著改善痘痘問題,同時控制肌膚之油脂分泌並促進肌膚更新,有效清除黑頭、收細毛孔、及撫平細紋。「杏仁酸」更可分解肌膚內之黑色素,逐漸淡化以致消除面上的色斑及雀斑。「白柳樹精華」減退色斑及收緊毛孔。「蜜瓜萃取」能舒緩過敏反應及預防肌膚炎症。 適合任何膚質 成分 主要成分 杏仁酸是從苦杏仁提取而成的果酸成分(AHA),它具有殺滅細菌的特質,因此能顯著改善痘痘問題,並控制肌膚之油脂分泌並促進更新,有效消除毛孔內的阻隔,從而達到清除黑頭及收細毛孔功效。此外,更能增強細胞代謝,亦可撫平皺紋及細紋,令肌膚更幼滑細緻,同時有助分解黑色素,逐漸淡化以致消除面上的色斑及雀斑。杏仁酸於果酸類成分中效力較強,更以粒子較大的優點,讓皮膚可持續吸收當中養分,而其刺激性反倒比其他果酸更低,因此可適合更廣泛的膚質使,並不會引致一般果酸的副作用反應。 詳細成分Water, Mandelic Acid, Bilberry Extract, Sugar Cane Extract, Sugar Maple Extract, Orange Fruit Extract, Lemon Extract, Willow Bark Extract, Cucumber Flower Extract, Glycerin, Melon Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Phenoxyethanol 使用方法 使用方法每天早、晚潔面後抹乾肌膚,以化妝棉輕力抹上爽膚水,並讓它完全滲透,然後使用Cellbone的精華華液。 注意事項使用此產品後可能出現輕微刺熱、脫皮、及/或泛紅狀況,此乃正常反應並會隨著肌膚逐漸適應而消除,如情況持續請停止使用請盡量避免觸及眼睛請把此產品儲存在陰涼和黑暗的地方,避免直接受陽光照射
加進喜愛清單A refreshing toner that gently exfoliates, softens, and tones the skin after daily cleansing, to create divine, clear, and poreless complexion by combating acne and hyperpigmentation, to regulate sebum production, and to promote cellular turnover for antiaging benefits – all accomplished with only minimal to no irritation.
Main Ingredients
4% Mandelic Acid
Willow Bark Extract
Melon Extract
Mandelic Acid is a strong AHA yet much less irritating, renowned for treating acne due to its antibacterial properties. Its efficacy in regulating sebum production and to promote cellular turnover help to clear blackheads, to minimize pores, and to diminish wrinkles and fine lines. Mandelic Acid also improves melasma and freckles by lightening and eventually breaking up hyperpigmentation.
Willow Bark Extract diminishes pigmentation and tightens pores.
Melon Extract soothes inflammation and protects skin agains infections.
Suitable For
All Skin Types
Main Ingredients
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Mandelic Acid is a type of strong Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) extracted from bitter almonds, yet much less irritating, renowned for treating acne due to its antibacterial properties. Its efficacy in regulating sebum production and to promote cellular turnover help to clear blackheads, to minimize pores, and to diminish wrinkles and fine lines. Mandelic Acid also improves melasma and freckles by lightening and eventually breaking up hyperpigmentation – all accomplished with only minimal to no irritation due to its relatively larger molecules which enable slower skin penetration for better and longer-lasting results. |
Full Ingredients
Water, Mandelic Acid, Bilberry Extract, Sugar Cane Extract, Sugar Maple Extract, Orange Fruit Extract, Lemon Extract, Willow Bark Extract, Cucumber Flower Extract, Glycerin, Melon Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Phenoxyethanol
After cleansing face and pat dry, saturate a cotton pad with Refresher and gently wipe face and neck, follow with Cellbone’s serum of your choice.
You may experience slight tingling sensation, light flaking, and/or mild redness after using this product. These conditions are normal and will diminish with time. Stop using if these conditions persist
For external use only, avoid direct contact with eyes
Store in a cool, dark place
FREE Shipping With Minimum Purchase
We ship worldwide. Purchase up to the following amount to enjoy FREE SHIPPING.
Hong Kong : FREE
Macau : HK$500
Taiwan / China : HK$800
Singapore / Malaysia / Thailand / Indonesia / Phillippines / Cambodia / Vietnam / Brunei : HK$1,000
All Other Countries : HK$1,500
Shipping Time
Hong Kong : 1-2 working days
Macau : 4-7 working days
Taiwan : 6-10 working days
China : 3-15 working days
All Other Countries : 6-28 working days
Orders not qualified for free shipping shall be charged a shipping fee calculated based on shipment weight, you may estimate shipping fee on Shopping Cart Page.
Items in your order may be subject to taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country. The recipient of the shipment will be responsible for all such fees. Failure to settle such fees in time may result in return of shipment to sender. We shall not be held responsible for any charge incurred due to such return.
注射劑的自然替代品 改善皮膚緊緻度和水嫩度 360完美肌膚精華可以有效去除眼部和嘴部,額頭,鼻唇溝和頸部周圍形成的所有細紋和皺紋。初次使用時,它可以有效地在皮膚上顯示出明顯的平滑效果,效果即時可見,功效和效果持久。 主要成分 抗皺肽 Syn®-Ake Syn®-Tacks Syn®-Coll 棕櫚酰五肽-3 緊膚活性成分 Inst'Tight™ Gatuline®Express AF ...
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含著名混合美白配方,為任何肌膚種類提供迅速及低敏感原的亮肌、美白、及均勻膚色功效,重點打擊色斑、黑色素、及荷爾蒙斑,令膚色更均勻 主要成分 10% Copper Peptide (銅肽) 15% Gamma Poly Glutamic Acid (植物膠原蛋白) 2% Alpha Arbutin...
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採用特別強效配方,科技證實能為有明顯衰老、色斑、及膚色不均的問題肌膚提供抗氧化及均勻膚色的作用,同時抵禦紫外線及環境污染的侵襲,更能刺激膠原蛋白生,對減退皺紋、色斑、及衰老有明顯功效。 主要成分 20% L‐Ascorbic Acid (左旋維生素C) 0.5% Alpha‐Tocopherol (維生素E) 0.5% Idebenone (艾地苯) 功效 特別強效配方適合有明顯衰老、色斑、及膚色不均的問題肌膚。 為肌膚預防衰老形成。...
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清爽活肌配方能溫和潔淨肌膚及去除角質,同時添加抗菌保護,針對打擊暗瘡、黑頭、油脂粒、及黑色素,有效調控油脂,並促進細胞更新以抗衡衰老 – 以極低、或甚至毫無刺激性的強效配方去締造潔淨、幼嫩、及毛孔細緻的無瑕膚質。 主要成分 5% Mandelic Acid (杏仁酸) Damask Rose Extract (玫瑰萃取) Aloe Vera Leaf...
HK$125.00 HK$106.30
嶄新的活膚精華能針對打擊痘痘、黑頭、油脂粒、及黑色素,有效調控油脂和水份平衡,並能促進細胞更新以抗衡衰老 – 以極低、或甚至毫無刺激性的強效配方去締造潔淨、幼嫩、及毛孔細緻的無暇膚質。 主要成分8% Mandelic Acid (杏仁酸)4% Hydrogel (水凝膠)2% Lactic Acid (乳酸)1% Salicylic Acid (水楊酸)Gamma...