
採用瑞士長壽蘋果幹細胞,以生物科技提煉成肌膚更生因子,能有效提升細胞生命力,促進細胞機能,令它回復青春活躍,具徹底更生潤澤肌膚的功效,再配合醫學胜肽SYN®-TACKS 改善皺紋及枯乾,令肌膚添加緊緻和彈性。 主要成分 4% PhytoCellTec™ (瑞士蘋果幹細胞) 4% SYN®-TACKS 2% Inca Inchi Oil (印加銀曲樹精華油) 0.5% Coenzyme Q10 (Q10輔酵酶) 功效 「瑞士蘋果幹細胞」滋養及刺激肌膚幹細胞,重組肌膚組織並保持其健康特質,令膚色明顯改善,同時減退面部皺紋、乾紋、及其他衰老痕跡。 SYN®-TACKS激發層黏蛋白及膠原蛋白,能改善肌膚細密度、緊緻度、及強韌度,有效撫平皺紋。 「印加銀曲樹精華油」提供高濃度「奧米加三脂肪酸」(Omega-3 Fatty Acid),能瞬間消滅乾敏,增強面部光采。 「Q10輔酵酶」為強效抗氧化物,可預防衰老形成,同時協助肌膚抵禦紫外線、環境污染、及游離基的傷害。 適合 任何膚質 成分 主要成分 人體內之幹細胞作用是「細胞工廠」,能分裂出其他的細胞,以維持肌膚內之正常代謝及保護機能。但隨著衰老,幹細胞之生產功能續漸減退,形成肌膚膠原流失,膚色及健康衰退。 科學家發現瑞士Uttwiler Spätlauber蘋果被摘下之後,仍然能保存多個月而不變壞,繼而研究出此蘋果內之幹細胞,具天然的長壽特質。PhytoCellTec™正是從瑞士蘋果幹細胞製成,當用於肌膚上,能有效提升人體幹細胞生命力,令它回復青春活躍,促使膠原及肌膚細胞增長,有助更生肌膚組織,逆轉衰老,同時改善已形成之皺紋及鬆弛。 一項臨床測試為20位女性連續4星期早晚塗上含2% 之PhytoCellTec™面霜,4星期後發現眼部魚尾紋深度平均獲改善15%。 SYN®-TACKS為三胜肽及四胜肽的複合物,針對激發層黏蛋白及膠原蛋白,令細胞回復緊緻密集,改善肌膚細密度、緊緻度、及強韌度,有效撫平皺紋。 CoQ10在皮膚裡扮演著兩個重要的角色 : 它是細胞機能不可缺少的輔酵素,並會隨著年紀而減少。當CoQ10逐漸減少,細胞機能減弱,皮膚便出現老化跡象。CoQ10亦可以分解空氣有害的游離基,作出抗氧化的功用。皮膚獲得補充CoQ10,便可回復健康神采,減退現有歲月痕跡,並協助減慢衰老的形成。 印加銀曲樹精華油含94%高濃度奧米加三脂肪酸(Omega‐3),具控制水份流失的作用,能有效保持皮膚高度滋潤,可瞬間泵漲乾紋。 詳細成分 Water, Aloevera Juice, Safflower Seed Oil, Glyceryl Stearate, Glycerin, Jojoba Seed...
加進喜愛清單Utilizes the most advanced stem cell biotechnology to moisturize and completely rejuvenate skin through reversing age and prolonging skin cell vitality. Award-winning PhytoCellTec™ nourishes and stimulates skin’s stem cells for tissue renewal while maintaining their healthy characteristics, creating better skin complexion with significant reduction of wrinkles, fine lines, and any other signs of aging.
Main Ingredients
4% PhytoCellTec™
2% Inca Inchi Oil
0.5% Coenzyme Q10
PhytoCellTec™ nourishes and stimulates skin’s stem cells for tissue renewal while maintaining their healthy characteristics, creating better skin complexion with significant reduction of wrinkles, fine lines, and any other signs of aging.
SYN-TACKS™ stimulates production of laminin and collagen to improve skin compactness, firmness, and tonicity while reducing wrinkles at the same time.
Inca Inchi Oil enriched with Omega-3 Fatty Acid for plumping up dry lines and boosting overall radiance.
Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant to prevent premature signs of aging and protect skin from UV rays, destructive free radicals and environmental damages.
Suitable For
All Skin Types
Main Ingredients
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Human stem cells divide and self-renew to produce all types of body cells to maintain body metabolism and a proper immune system. As body ages, stem cells' functionality deteriorates, causing loss of skin collagen and an unhealthy skin tone.
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SYN®-TACKS is a combination of two peptides to significantly stimulate Collagen and Laminin in skin. Structural integrity of skin is improved leading to better skin compactness, tonicity, and firmness, with visible diminishing of facial wrinkles and fine lines. |
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CoQ10 is an essential enzyme in body cell functions, but its existence would diminish in time as body ages. When CoQ10 is reduced, cell functionality is weakened causing signs of aging. CoQ10 on the other hand acts as an antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals. When body is replenished with CoQ10, skin recaptures youth and healthy glow. |
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Inca Inchi Oil contains 94% high potency of Omega-3 fatty acids which functions to retain water and to keep skin moisturized. Fine lines are visibly plumped up with skin becomes soft and supple after use. |
Full Ingredients
Water, Aloevera Juice, Safflower Seed Oil, Glyceryl Stearate, Glycerin, Jojoba Seed Oil, Inca Inchi Seed Oil, Dimethyl Isorbide, Cetyl Alcohol, Palmitoyl Dipeptide-5, Palmitoyl Dipeptide-6, Dimethyl Isosorbide, Tocopheryl Acetate, Dimethicone, Shea Butter, L-Ergothioneine, Apple Fruit Stem Cell Culture Extract, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Sodium Ascorbate, Tocopherol, Xanthan Gum, CoQ10, Lecitin, Phenoxyethanol, Fragrance
Apply on clean, dry skin twice daily after using Cellbone’s Serum and/or Hydration Gel of your choice.
For external use only, avoid direct contact with eyes
Store in a cool, dark place
FREE Shipping With Minimum Purchase
We ship worldwide. Purchase up to the following amount to enjoy FREE SHIPPING.
Hong Kong : FREE
Macau : HK$500
Taiwan / China : HK$800
Singapore / Malaysia / Thailand / Indonesia / Phillippines / Cambodia / Vietnam / Brunei : HK$1,000
All Other Countries : HK$1,500
Shipping Time
Hong Kong : 1-2 working days
Macau : 4-7 working days
Taiwan : 6-10 working days
China : 3-15 working days
All Other Countries : 6-28 working days
Orders not qualified for free shipping shall be charged a shipping fee calculated based on shipment weight, you may estimate shipping fee on Shopping Cart Page.
Items in your order may be subject to taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country. The recipient of the shipment will be responsible for all such fees. Failure to settle such fees in time may result in return of shipment to sender. We shall not be held responsible for any charge incurred due to such return.
採用密封式單次用量膠囊設計,內裡蘊含濃郁順滑配方,能顯著消除動態皺紋,收緊面部輪廓,令肌膚光嫩緊緻,完美順滑,能顯著減淡動態皺紋及改善鬆弛,有效修飾面部輪廓。 主要成分10% Argireline® (六胜肽) 功效「六胜肽」抑制肌膚肌肉收緊,顯著減淡動態皺紋及改善鬆弛,有效修飾面部輪廓。濃郁順滑精華液密封於單次用量膠囊,使用上簡便衛生。 適合任何膚質 成分 主要成分 Argireline®被譽為是「BOTOX®以外」最佳的外用去皺配方,能有效令皮膚的表情紋減退,它仿傚 BOTOX®的原理,阻止神經組織收緊肌肉,使皮膚處放鬆狀態,減輕表情皺紋的形成。 臨床實驗結果顯示,30天持續使用10%濃度的 Argireline®,可減少皺紋深度達 30%。 詳細成分Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethicone...
採用特別強效配方,科技證實能為有明顯衰老、色斑、及膚色不均的問題肌膚提供抗氧化及均勻膚色的作用,同時抵禦紫外線及環境污染的侵襲,更能刺激膠原蛋白生,對減退皺紋、色斑、及衰老有明顯功效。 主要成分 20% L‐Ascorbic Acid (左旋維生素C) 0.5% Alpha‐Tocopherol (維生素E) 0.5% Idebenone (艾地苯) 功效 特別強效配方適合有明顯衰老、色斑、及膚色不均的問題肌膚。 為肌膚預防衰老形成。...
HK$705.00 HK$564.00
極緻滋潤性面膜,提供如精華液般的透薄細緻滋養,結合「五胜肽」及膠原蛋白為肌膚帶來即時的保濕及滋潤功效,瞬間為肌膚注入源源不絕的水分,更可促進膠原蛋白製造,令肌膚皺紋乾紋減退,即時回復水潤有彈性。 主要成份 5% Matrixyl® (五胜肽) Collagen (膠原蛋白) Vitamin B5 (維生素B5) Hyaluronic Acid (透明質酸) 功效 為肌膚補充所需養分,提供深層鎖水滋潤及提升,令肌膚回復彈性、緊緻。...
質感水潤,容易被眼部肌膚所吸收,能以膠原肽為眼部肌膚滲入最微細的膠原蛋白粒子,為脆弱的眼部深層肌膚帶來水潤、緊緻的顯著效果,更可有效改善黑眼圈、雙眼浮腫、水腫問題及平伏眼周皺紋細紋等,令雙眼四周肌膚重拾彈性飽滿、嬌嫩細緻。 主要成份 2% Collagen Peptide (膠原肽) 10% Matrixyl® (五胜肽) Centella Asiatica (積雪草精華) Cucmber Extract (青瓜萃取)...
有效提升收緊眼部肌膚,擊退皺紋、眼紋、乾紋,提供高度保濕滋潤,令眼部肌膚嫩滑緊緻富彈性。 主要成份 10% Argireline® (六胜肽) 10% Matrixyl™3000 (四胜複合肽) 0.4% Idebenone (艾地苯) 功效 「四胜複合肽」收緊及提升肌膚,並能提升肌膚膠原蛋白製造,瞬間消滅皺紋,令肌膚緊緻潤滑。 「六胜肽」抑制肌膚肌肉收緊,顯著減淡動態皺紋及改善鬆弛。 「艾地苯」能超卓地抵禦空氣中的游離基,並激發細胞活動,從而令皮膚回復青春,減退衰老痕跡。 ...
含知名Eyeliss™ 配方,針對消除眼部浮腫及眼袋問題,為肌膚提供收緊及鎖水滋潤功效,令雙眼回復青春亮麗。 主要成份10% Matrixyl™3000 (四胜複合肽)5% Eyeliss™0.4% Idebenone (艾地苯) 功效知名醫學美容配方 ‐ Eyeliss™,能促進眼部淋巴流通,減低血管破損,收緊眼部幼嫩肌膚,以防止眼下液體積聚,令眼袋無法形成。「四胜複合肽」收緊及提升肌膚,並能提升肌膚膠原蛋白製造,瞬間消滅皺紋,令肌膚緊緻潤滑。「艾地苯」能超卓地抵禦空氣中的游離基,並激發細胞活動,從而令皮膚回復青春,減退衰老痕跡。 適合任何膚質 成份 主要成份 Eyeliss™針對改善雙眼浮腫和眼袋的問題,能促進眼部血液流通,防止水腫,並收緊眼部肌膚。眼袋的形成是因為淋巴不流通、血管脆弱、和眼部肌膚鬆弛,令眼下水份積聚所引致。Eyeliss™能有效減低血管的滲透度,促進淋巴排水,同時收緊眼部肌膚,使眼袋逐漸消退。...
藍光防禦眼霜保護和修復皮膚, 免受太陽和人造藍光的傷害,還可以減少眼周皺紋和細紋,同時減少黑眼圈和浮腫的出現。 功效 抵抗自由基白天對皮膚造成傷害。 使用電子設備時,保護皮膚免受藍光引起的氧化應激。 明顯減少黑眼圈和眼部浮腫。 重新定義眼部輪廓。 減少紅腫,防止色素沉著。 適合 任何肌膚成份 Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Rose Water,...
HK$705.00 HK$599.30