360完美肌膚精華 - 20% Off

注射劑的自然替代品 改善皮膚緊緻度和水嫩度 360完美肌膚精華可以有效去除眼部和嘴部,額頭,鼻唇溝和頸部周圍形成的所有細紋和皺紋。初次使用時,它可以有效地在皮膚上顯示出明顯的平滑效果,效果即時可見,功效和效果持久。 主要成分 抗皺肽 Syn®-Ake Syn®-Tacks Syn®-Coll 棕櫚酰五肽-3 緊膚活性成分 Inst'Tight™ Gatuline®Express AF 功效 改善皮膚緊緻度和水嫩度 塑造臉部,使肌膚更加緊實,緊緻 效果即時可見 注射劑的自然替代品 促進膠原蛋白的生長並保護其免於退化 減少口周紋和法令紋 改善皮膚外觀,使毛孔細化 促進皮膚自身透明質酸的更新 適合 任何膚質 功效測試 SYN®-AKE “無後顧之憂”的額頭 用4%SYN-AKE治療2周和4週後的皺紋分析 SYN® -TACKS 平滑細紋效果顯然可見 減少皺紋,改善皮膚外觀 SYN®-COLL 在短短4週內使毛孔細化 60%的自願者在短短4週內注意到可見的毛孔細化 INST’TIGHT™ 在3個部位進行了臨床測試 魚尾紋 / 前額線 / 皺眉線 Gatuline®Expression AF 平滑細紋的效果顯然可見 用條紋投影法在魚尾紋區域評估2% Gatuline® Expression與代設劑的差異...
加進喜愛清單Smoothing and Firming Serum
Natural Alternative to Injection
360 Skin Perfector has been created to work effectively to remove all fine lines and wrinkles formed around the eye area and mouth, forehead, nasolabial folds, and neck. It is efficient and powerful to show a visibly smoothing effect on the skin when you use it for the first time. The efficacy and optimum results from 360 Skin Perfector are long-lasting.
Main Ingredients
Palmitoyl Pentapeptide3
Firming Actives
Gatuline® Express AF
Improves skin firmness and suppleness.
Sculpts face for a more firm, lifted skin appearance.
Instant visible results.
A natural alternative to injections.
Boosts collagen and protects it from degradation.
Reduces barcode wrinkles and bitterness folds.
Refines skin appearance with less visible pores.
Boosts skin’s own renewal of hyaluronic acid.
Suitable For
All Skin Types
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INST’TIGHT™ Clinically tested on 3 zones. Crow’s feet wrinkles | Forehead lines | Frown lines |
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Gatuline® Expression AF Visible smoothing effect on fine lines. 2% Gatuline® Expression was assessed versus placebo, using the fringe projection method on the crow’s feet area. |
Full Ingredients
Water, Glycerin, Niacinamide, Aminodimethicone, Dimethicone, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, VP/VA Copolymer, Panthenol, Polypropanediol-4, Acmella Oleracea Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Shea Butter Extract, Gleditsia Triacanthos Seed Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-3, Dipeptide Diaminobutyroyl Benzylamide Diacetate, Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5, Astaxanthin, Ethylhexylglycerin, Potassium Sorbate
Apply twice a day on clean, dry skin. Massage gently onto wrinkled area.
For external use only, avoid direct contact with eyes
Store in a cool, dark place
FREE Shipping With Minimum Purchase
We ship worldwide. Purchase up to the following amount to enjoy FREE SHIPPING.
Hong Kong : FREE
Macau : HK$500
Taiwan / China : HK$800
Singapore / Malaysia / Thailand / Indonesia / Phillippines / Cambodia / Vietnam / Brunei : HK$1,000
All Other Countries : HK$1,500
Shipping Time
Hong Kong : 1-2 working days
Macau : 4-7 working days
Taiwan : 6-10 working days
China : 3-15 working days
All Other Countries : 6-28 working days
Orders not qualified for free shipping shall be charged a shipping fee calculated based on shipment weight, you may estimate shipping fee on Shopping Cart Page.
Items in your order may be subject to taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country. The recipient of the shipment will be responsible for all such fees. Failure to settle such fees in time may result in return of shipment to sender. We shall not be held responsible for any charge incurred due to such return.
含著名混合美白配方,為任何肌膚種類提供迅速及低敏感原的亮肌、美白、及均勻膚色功效,重點打擊色斑、黑色素、及荷爾蒙斑,令膚色更均勻 主要成分 10% Copper Peptide (銅肽) 15% Gamma Poly Glutamic Acid (植物膠原蛋白) 2% Alpha Arbutin...
HK$615.00 HK$492.00
活性肌膚柔滑精華有助於刺激新的皮膚細胞,甚至色素沉著,並促進膚色白皙,光滑,健康。先進的嫩膚配方,可在所有類型的皮膚上提亮膚色,甚至均勻膚色。 主要成分 Alpha / Beta果酸 Alpha熊果素 艾地苯醌 功效 使用12%的Alpha / Beta果酸,Alpha熊果素和艾地苯醌進行高級皮膚修復 通過治療頑固的色素沉著,淡化和提亮皮膚 抑制並減少面部皺紋 疏鬆和分解死皮細胞,剝落皮膚上層 再生皮膚細胞並刺激膠原蛋白的生長...
HK$615.00 HK$522.80
含高效「透明質酸」、「銅肽」與「維生素B」,能為肌膚持久保濕鎖水,同時抗氧化,抑止細胞損壞,減慢細胞老化,消除過敏反應,並修補受損細胞,對過敏肌膚、痘痘、或受光學美容療程、紫外線輕微損壞的肌膚有莫大功效。 主要成分 Hyaluronic Acid(透明質酸) 15% Copper Peptide (銅肽) Vitamin B5 (維生素B5) 功效 舒緩因肌膚敏感、光學美容療程、痘痘、或紫外線所引致的紅腫及創傷。 「銅肽」配合「維生素B5」可促進修復肌膚組織,令肌膚創傷癒合,並減退過敏反應。 抵禦游離基的傷害,同時刺激膠原蛋白增生,有效制止衰老形成。...
採用納米科技,讓皮膚迅速吸收強效「銅肽」成份,能為肌膚抗氧化,並抑止細胞損壞,減慢細胞老化,消除過敏反應,同時修補受損細胞,對過敏肌膚、痘痘、或受光學美容療程、紫外線輕微損壞的肌膚有莫大功效。 主要成分15% Nanosome Copper Peptide (納米銅肽)Centella Asiatica (積雪草精華) 功效納米科技讓「銅肽」徹底滲透肌膚底層,有效促進修復肌膚組織,令肌膚創傷癒合,並減退過敏反應。「積雪草精華」協助更新細胞。抵禦游離基的傷害,同時刺激膠原蛋白增生,有效制止衰老形成。 適合任何膚質 成分 主要成分 碧卡醫生(Dr.Loren Pickart)首次發現銅肽能重組皮膚內的蛋白質,協助細胞復原和更新,促進膠原蛋白增長,同時減退皮膚的過敏反應,對皺紋、衰老、痘痘,以及一切因紫外線和刺激性的美容療程(如激光、彩光、換膚等)所引致的輕微傷痛,具特別顯著的治療功效。一項向 71...
蘊含獲獎成分「活性葡萄多酚」,能減退肌膚過敏反應,令膚色更亮澤均勻,同時具淡斑功效,配合多種高濃度強效活性成分,快速促進膠原蛋白的合成,減退皺紋及扭轉鬆弛肌膚,打造更緊緻的新生嫩肌。 主要成分 5% Metabiotics® Resveratrol (活性葡萄多酚) 20% Nanosome Matrixyl® (納米五胜肽) 4% SYN®-COLL (三胜肽-5) 2% Human...